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Liquorice Root

by Monil Nitin Parikh, 12 Jan 2023

Licorice, also spelled liquorice, is a sweet root that is used for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It is the root of the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant, which is native to Europe and Asia. The root is traditionally used to make a sweet candy and a flavouring for foods and beverages, such as licorice-flavored ice cream, liquorice pipes, and liquorice tea.


The taste of liquorice is unique and can be described as sweet and slightly bitter. The plant is also rich in compounds called glycyrrhizin and flavonoids, which have been studied for their medicinal properties. These compounds have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer effects.

In traditional medicine, licorice root is used to treat a wide variety of ailments including sore throat, cough, infections and stomach ulcers.

Licorice root has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for a variety of ailments. The root is rich in compounds called glycyrrhizin and flavonoids, which have been shown to have several potential health benefits, including:


  1. Anti-inflammatory properties: Licorice root has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects, which may be helpful in reducing the symptoms of conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  2. Soothing the stomach: Licorice root may help to soothe stomach upset and stimulate the production of mucus, which can help protect the stomach lining.
  3. Helps in respiratory problems: Licorice root can help in relieving symptoms of respiratory problems such as bronchitis, coughs, and sore throat.
  4. Protection of liver: Some preliminary studies have found that licorice root may have hepatoprotective properties, which means it can help protect the liver from damage.
  5. Antiviral properties: Licorice root have been suggested to have inhibitory effects on certain viruses, which may make it helpful in fighting infections such as herpes and hepatitis.
  6. Anti-cancer properties: Some studies suggest that compounds in licorice root may have anti-cancer effects, it may help to prevent or slow the growth of cancer cells.


It's worth noting that the majority of these studies were done in labs, animal models and some in human trials were small in number, thus more research is needed to confirm the benefits and understand how licorice root works and in which quantity it should be used. Also, excessive consumption of Licorice can lead to high blood pressure, potassium loss, and water retention. People with these health conditions should avoid consuming large amounts of liquorice or licorice-containing products. It also recommended to consult a doctor before using liquorice or licorice-containing supplements.


Licorice root can be consumed in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Chewing on liquorice root: The most traditional way of consuming liquorice root is to chew on the root itself. It has a strong, sweet flavour and can be chewed for a period of time, then disposed of.
  2. Licorice tea: Licorice root can be steeped in hot water to make a tea. This can be done by using whole liquorice root or by using liquorice root powder or tea bags.
  3. Licorice candy: Licorice root can be used to make liquorice candy, which is a popular confectionery item in many countries. This can be found in various forms such as sticks, ropes, twists and more.
  4. Licorice extract : liquorice extract can be used as a flavouring in food and drinks, and it can also be found in supplements.
  5. Licorice supplements: liquorice supplements in the form of capsules or tablets can also be found and consumed.

It's worth noting that the consumption of licorice should be moderate, excessive consumption can lead to high blood pressure, potassium loss, and water retention. People with these health conditions should avoid consuming large amounts of licorice or licorice-containing products. It also recommended to consult a doctor before using licorice or licorice-containing supplements.

We at Live Organics Pvt. Ltd. supply Organic and Natural Liquorice in different forms like roots, cuts, powder and TBC (Tea Bag Cut).

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